Unlock extra Crowd Control features with Crowd Control Pro!
We’re excited to announce Crowd Control Pro, a $5 USD add-on monthly subscription for streamers that lets them unlock some of the most requested Crowd Control features.
New year, new us, as we said on our last blog post! (If you haven’t read it, you should, it’s a good one — but we’re also biased…). The first big Crowd Control update for 2022, besides our new sexy-looking website, comes with the name of Crowd Control Pro and is available now to all Crowd Control users.

What is Crowd Control Pro?
Crowd Control Pro is a monthly subscription add-on geared towards all streamers that want to use Crowd Control to engage with their communities. Once subscribed, streamers unlock perks which include some of the most requested features!
Ok that sounds nice, but what are these features, ma’am.
Crowd Control Pro allows streamers to:
- Adjust the amount of free coins all viewers can receive at the beginning of their sessions.
- Adjust the amount of coins subscribers can receive every month for Crowd Control sessions.
- Adjust the Channel Point to Crowd Control ratio. (You’re welcome.)

Wait… this sounds familiar to one of our Patreon tiers… 🤔
You’re not wrong! Our Patreon did include some of these perks. We’re going to be phasing out the Patreon for a few of our services but if you were subscribed via there for these perks, you’ll continue to receive the benefits. In the future though, new benefits will only come to those subscribed through Crowd Control Pro.
Oh ok I got it, cool. How much is it?
Crowd Control Pro costs $7.99 USD a month, but if you subscribe for a year, it’s only $79.99! (THAT’S 2 FREE MONTHS GAMERS). To subscribe, log in to the Crowd Control App or Interact Link!
We hope you enjoy these features and Crowd Control Pro, and thank you in advance for going the extra mile to support us. Know that every single penny goes to create even more amazing features for all of you!
For all Crowd Control Pro Details, check out the Crowd Control Pro Page.
Let us know via Twitter what should the next Crowd Control Pro feature be.
Crowd Control is the app that lets your viewers interact with the games you play on stream. Crowd Control supports +100 games and has been installed by over 70,000 live creators.
Use Crowd Control on your next stream by visiting crowdcontrol.live
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