Refund Policy for Crowd Control Pro Subscription

At Crowd Control, we strive to provide our customers with a seamless and satisfactory experience. We understand that there may be instances where you might need to request a refund for your subscription payment. This refund policy outlines the terms and conditions under which refunds can be granted.

1. Eligibility for Refund:

  • Refunds will only be considered for subscription charges made within the last 7 days of the first months subscription.
  • To be eligible for a refund, you must be able to provide proof of payment, such as an invoice or transaction receipt.

2. Refund Request Process:

To request a refund, please contact our customer support team at [email protected] within 7 days of the subscription charge. Please include the following details in your refund request:

  • Your full name
  • Email address associated with your Crowd Control Pro account
  • Date of the subscription charge
  • Reason for the refund request

3. Refund Approval:

Once we receive your refund request, our customer support team will review it within a reasonable timeframe. We reserve the right to refuse a refund if the request does not meet the eligibility criteria mentioned in point 1 or if we determine that the refund request is not valid.

4. Refund Processing:

If your refund request is approved, we will initiate a refund to your original method of payment within a reasonable timeframe. Please note that the refund processing time may vary depending on your financial institution or payment provider.

Refunds amounts will no longer include the processing fees we must pay our payment processor. Most processing fees will are approximately 5-7% of the transaction cost and may vary depending on the currency used to pay.

This change is effective as of May 1st, 2024.

5. Partial Refunds:

In some cases, we may offer partial refunds based on the specific circumstances of your refund request.

6. Non-Refundable Charges:

Please note that certain charges are non-refundable. These may include, but are not limited to, charges for additional services, add-ons, or customizations.

7. Subscription Cancellation:

If you wish to cancel your Crowd Control Pro subscription you can do so the following ways.

  • In the Crowd Control desktop application, where you clicked Get Pro, the button will now be Manage Pro. Clicking that will allow you to manage and or cancel your subscription.
  • On any Crowd Control Interact link, after logging in click on your profile image in the top right, and then click Manage Pro.

8. Changes to the Refund Policy:

Crowd Control reserves the right to modify or update this refund policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to the policy will be effective immediately upon posting the revised version on our website.

Please note that this refund policy only applies to subscription charges made within the last 7 days of the first billing month of the subscription. For any other refund inquiries or issues not covered by this policy, please contact our customer support team for further assistance.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding our refund policy. Our goal is to ensure your satisfaction with our service, and we will make every effort to address your concerns promptly and fairly.

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