
Tetris (NES)


Bizhawk 2.8 is currently required for this game to work. Use the Crowd Control desktop app to install a pre-configured version of Bizhawk!

If you have any questions or need help with this setup, please head over to our discord or email us for additional support!

Version Support

We support the USA Version of Tetris. The base ROM should match MD5 of EC58574D96BEE8C8927884AE6E7A2508 or a checksum of 6D72C53A.
The ROM for this game gets patched as you hit start in the CC app. You can tell the patch has been applied correctly by this special title screen:

EverDrive N8 PRO Support

EverDrive support is still in the works for CC2.0! Check the game guide for updates and details!

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