Hi everyone! Today’s Blog Post is a little bit different. We get so many questions surrounding Crowd Control Pro – whether about why it costs what it costs or if it’s really worth it for streamers. And what a better way to learn if it’s truly worth it than from one of you. We’re thrilled to share with you all this blog post written by Yae, a variety streamer and artist. She has used Crowd Control in the past and has been vocal about how Crowd Control Pro has impacted her sessions and if it was really worth the investment. We hope you enjoy it – and make sure to check out Yae’s streams!
Is Crowd Control Pro Worth It?
When I started writing this, I immediately went into spreadsheet mode to collect analytics to add to my number-centric Twitter thread about my experiences with Crowd Control and Crowd Control Pro. I figured I would start by just adding the numbers that came after publishing it mid-February.
Then, I realized that my Twitter thread may have lacked a lot of context that might be important to people trying to decide on an investment for their streams and communities, and even more, it didn’t really demonstrate the actual operating value of the Pro subscription.
It’s not as simple as $8 (well, $7.99) turning into $80.
Pro doesn’t just guarantee an increase in revenue or give you a higher cut; it gives you tools to customize the streaming experience or take advantage of opportunities before regular users. It’s up to you what you choose to do with those tools and perks.
For me, here are some that I especially like and make use of.
The Obvious Pro Perk: Early Access
I always like having my community involved in my streams, either by chatting a ton or by having an open lobby for my community members.
When I first learned about Crowd Control, getting the Pro subscription was obvious – I was playing Lethal Company as though my life depended on it, and Crowd Control support for Lethal Company was still in early access, which is only accessible to Pro users.
It was December 23rd, a perfect time and opportunity to give my community the gift of tampering with games during our holiday community game night.
During our game night, we would vote between which games we wanted to play, and whoever had the game that was voted on was welcome to join; if someone wanted to play a specific game and reserve a slot, they could RSVP with 1000 channel points.
When we voted to play Lethal Company – which was inevitable, as everyone was absolutely feral over it – I broke it to the people playing in the lobby that I’d given the audience members the opportunity to participate in a different way, and gave the chat the low-down on using coins to redeem in-game effects.
I didn’t intend to turn a profit, but over the course of the next thirty days – the duration of my Crowd Control Pro subscription – I made $62.28 from five sessions before Lethal Company moved out of early access in late January.

My Pro subscription had not only given my community the opportunity to participate in Lethal Company games when the lobby was full, it had paid itself off and made it possible for me to earn $54.29 that I might not have made otherwise.
Lethal Company may have moved out of early access, but Crowd Control is constantly looking to expand and improve upon their existing library. At the time of writing, there are seven games in early access in the Crowd Control library, some having only arrived in the past week.
Running Events with Crowd Control… and Viewers with Pro
In February, we had another event, this time for my birthday. I prepared a variety of interactive activities for my community, including more community vote games, a community The Forest lobby (with Crowd Control enabled), and ‘Field Day’ games in Lethal Company (also with Crowd Control).
For the latter, I prepared specialized modpacks for two game modes: ‘Relay’ and ‘Hide & Seek’.
The rules of Relay were simple: acquire the apparatus (apparatice) and return to the ship as quickly as possible. You were given points based on the order of arrival back to the ship, and whoever brought back the apparatus, no matter the order, ‘won’ the round.
The rules of Hide & Seek were a little more complicated, but the spirit of it was similar to any other Hide & Seek Lethal Company modpack – hunt down the hiders as the seeker, or reach a quota or acquire the apparatus as the hiders.
While playing the Hide & Seek mode as the seeker, I had successfully ‘hunted down’ all of the hiders, securing my win condition. When I returned to the ship, celebrating my victory, someone in my chat asked, “Did you really get all of them?”
When I checked the monitor, everyone I had hunted down had been revived – which would only be possible via Crowd Control.

These game modes and the special event drove additional subscriptions and donations, but Crowd Control put tools into the viewers’ hands that could change the flow of an entire game, and they realized and relished in that opportunity – so much so that one of my viewers took the leap to get Crowd Control Pro for the additional 3% global coins they’d get, the ability to send effects anonymously, and the ability to passively collect coins with the interact link open.
Did you know that your viewers can also benefit from getting Crowd Control Pro? Yeah. They can. Plus, if you have Crowd Control Pro and someone uses your interact link to get Crowd Control Pro, you get a referral bonus. That may have made up for my despair a little.
A Perk for the Future: Thanking my Viewers for Supporting the Stream and my Goals.
I can tell you all the ways how Crowd Control has been massive for me and my little stream.
I’ve made $508.49 while paying only $31.96.
A first-time chatter joined us last week and immediately felt involved and welcome because their free coins and some bits let them enact a little chaos and make me laugh and panic.
On a day that my friends don’t have the energy to play but want to participate, they’re able to throw stockpiled coins into the ring to give me a hand or cause some trouble.
On April 15th, I began considering everything I should do to improve my stream and grow it as efficiently and thoughtfully as I can.
That includes making the most of my continued Crowd Control Pro subscription.
It was only as I was looking over my notes for why Crowd Control Pro is worth it that I realized I had overlooked massive opportunities to fit the Pro subscription into my efforts to reach larger goals for the future.
I’m undergoing a lot of changes, but this is one that I think a lot of people will be able to make use of on Twitch. If you want to implement it for yourself, go for it!
The Twitch Plus Program has some tough requirements. As an Affiliate of 16 CCV, it’s unlikely I’ll get to the 60/40 split any time soon – part of that is because I need to focus on growth, and part of that is because I haven’t offered a great deal to my T2 and T3 subscribers, so I’m lucky to have any.
One of the Crowd Control Pro perks is the ability to customize the bonus coin amounts. You can edit how many coins viewers get per refresh rate, increase the refresh rate, and you can also adjust how many bonus coins your tier 1, 2, and 3 subscribers on Twitch receive on a monthly basis.
To thank some of my community members for upgrading to T2 and T3 subscriptions, I’ve set my bonus coin amounts to this:

When I consider pricing:
- Someone who already supports the stream at Tier 1 is paying $5. They receive ~20% of that value in coins as a thank you (when considering the bit-to-coin conversion rate).
- Someone who already supports the stream at Tier 2 is paying $10. They receive ~30% of that value in coins as a thank you.
- Someone who already supports the stream at Tier 3 is paying $25. They receive ~40% of that value in coins as a thank you.
This is not the only thing I’ll be offering, but it’s a start – enough to save a game in Lethal Company, or to ruin a hard-fought battle in Elden Ring.
The more I learn about what I want to do and how I want to achieve those goals, the more I’ll change – but for now, until I get to that next milestone, Crowd Control Pro is already worth it.
Crowd Control is the app that lets your viewers interact with the games you play on stream. Crowd Control supports +100 games and has been installed by over 70,000 live creators.
Use Crowd Control on your next stream by visiting crowdcontrol.live
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