
River City Girls 2 (PC)


You can follow the general setup guide at for extra help with the Twitch Extension, the Crowd Control Desktop Client and other options.

If you have any questions or need help with this setup, please head over to our discord, forum or email us for additional support!

Early Access Support

This pack is considered Early Access! Our team has confirmed the effects are stable but may not be in every scenario, so please use the Report Bug button in the app if you find any issues!

One Click Setup for Steam

We have created a One Click Setup for this game that can be accessed from the desktop app! If you own the game on steam and it’s installed, this will auto install the mod below and you won’t be required to “activate” Crowd Control.

Manual Setup

River City Girls 2 Mod Download

  • Copy the contents of the zip above into the River City Girls 2 game folder.
    • From Steam: Right click River City Girls 2 > Manage > Browse local files
  • You can also use the One Click Setup from the desktop app to install the mod!

Connecting to Crowd Control

The connection for River City Girls 2 is built into the mod and does not require the normal desktop app. You can skip this step if you used the One Click Setup!

  • After the mod is copied over, launch the game normally. This will launch the MelonLoader API before the game, which allows effects to work.
  • From the MelonLoader console window, follow the link to go to
  • Log in with your Twitch account and copy the code over into the MelonLoader console window. That should look something like this:

CC – Companion App

Find out more info on the companion app here!

Known Issues

Spawn Enemy: We have this effect disabled by default, since it is not stable. This effect will pull from the pool of every enemy possible in the game. If the effect tries to spawn an enemy that doesn’t not exist on the current map, the game will crash! If you want to enable this effect and experiment with it, let us know if you see any crashes. Please note your current location and the enemy that tried to spawn. The Melon Loader console and log will show the enemy. The log can also be used, which is found in the game directory River City Girls 2MelonLoaderLogs


This pack was made possible by MelonLoader! Thanks Herp and the rest of the MelonLoader team for making such an awesome tool!

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