Halo: Combat Evolved – Cursed Again (PC)
February 2024 Update
A recent update to the game has broken the mod. The mod was built solely for a charity fundraiser and unfortunately is no longer being worked on, so we have been forced to pull down support for the game.
You can follow the general setup guide at for extra help with the Twitch Extension, the Crowd Control Desktop Client and other options.
If you have any questions or need help with this setup, please head over to our discord, forum or email us for additional support!
- Install the Multiplayer component for Halo CE
- Note that although the multiplayer component is required, co-op is not fully supported and many effects are likely to desync
- Install the Crowd Control mod from the Steam Workshop
- Install the Cursed Halo Again mod from the Steam Workshop
- Select Halo: Combat Evolved (Cursed Halo Again) from the CC desktop app.
- Launch the game using the CC desktop app.
- When you load the game from Steam make sure to select “play with anti-cheat disabled”
- Press START and test effects using the Effect Manager!
Support for this pack was made possible by PistachioOfDoom! This pack was made for a charity event organized by TheVocalButcher.