
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii)


You can follow the general setup guide at for extra help with the Twitch Extension, the Crowd Control Desktop Client and other options.

We suggest using the One Click Setup to install the Dolphin emulator, which is found in the Crowd Control Desktop Client. Our version of Dolphin is requerd and can be found on our GitHub.

If you have any questions or need help with this setup, please head over to our discord, forum or email us for additional support!

Version Support

We currently only support emulator and the USA Revision 0 version of the rom. You will need our special build of Dolphin as well, found on our GitHub.

You will also need to apply the game patch to allow effects to work. You can find “Crowdcontrol Patch.xdelta” from here: CrowdControl – Google Drive
You can use this tool to apply the xdelta patch your rom: – Utilities – Delta Patcher

More info can be found at ViciousSal’s discord!

Setup Support

  1. Using the desktop client, find “Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn” on the game list and click the “Dolphin One-Click Setup” to download our build of Dolphin.
    • This will install our build to your Documents folder as “CrowdControlDolphin”.
  2. Navigate to “DocumentsCrowdControlDolphin” and launch Dolphin.exe.
    • This will open our Dolphin. You will want to File > Open… and find your patched copy of FE:RD.
      • You may want to disable in game messages. Options > Configuration, then Interface tab, then uncheck “Show On-Screen Display Messages”.
  3. Hit “Start” from the Crowd Control Desktop app!
Game Support

If you like this game and want to know more info, we HIGHLY suggest checking out ViciousSal’s discord!
They can provide more info on the game, QoL patches , mods and a lot more.

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