
Anger Foot (PC)


You can follow the general setup guide at for extra help with the Twitch Extension, the Crowd Control Desktop Client and other options.

If you have any questions or need help with this setup, please head over to our discord for additional support!


  1. Select “Anger Foot” from the CC desktop app.
  2. Install the mod using our desktop app.
  3. Launch the game using the CC desktop app.
  4. Press START and test effects!

You can find the mod package here!


  • Effects will only trigger when the timer is ticking!
  • Effects will appear greyed out when you are in an area of the game that they cannot be used or will have no effect. Like a story level.
  • Abilities will turn off when the player dies or the level is completed/reset.
  • Game Console: Press ` to enter the in game console. We have some custom commands:
    • crowdcontrol-reset: reset state checking for level
    • crowdcontrol: shows mod version and connection status


Created using BepInEx!

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