Games and Features Not Coming to Crowd Control Anytime Soon
This weekend, we asked you on Twitter what features or games you’d like to see come to Crowd Control.
Today, we’re going to do something different and tell you some games and features that will NOT be coming to Crowd Control anytime soon and why.
Online Multiplayer Games Like Dead by Daylight, Helldivers, Apex, League, etc.
Between cheat detection, developers banning modders, and the risk of ruining the experience for other players – without the support and approval from the developers or studios themselves, it’s unlikely we can build Crowd Control support for these games.
Modern Console Support [Nintendo Switch, PS4/PS5, Xbox]
These consoles require our plugin and code to be accepted as an official middleware solution. To be transparent, we have applied and tried to become middleware but have been rejected by all three.
Their reasoning is that they want to see more games on console support it, but we can’t support console games without it. So we’re not sure how we’re supposed to do that.
APIs and Tools for Others to Build Crowd Control Integrations
We already do this, lol! We have examples and some documentation at https://developer.crowdcontrol.live
We currently support Unity, Godot, Game Maker, HaxeFlixel and are working on supporting more engines soon!
“More Updates to the Twitch Extension Please!!!!”
We wish. Twitch is currently not doing any updates to any extension and we have no ETA on when they plan to open things back up.
For now, check out the Crowd Control Interact Link for updates that we hope will eventually make it to our Twitch Extension.
Finally, and One of the Most Frequent Requests – MORE WAYS TO GIVE FREE COINS…
We believe we already offer a lot of options for viewers to interact with your game without spending money. If you have Crowd Control Pro, those options are wider too.
We’re a business, and to keep providing you and thousands of streamers an amazing tool, we need to survive somehow and most of that comes from the split we get from coins.
Please try to remember that Crowd Control is built and ran by a team of 6.
Not 6 developers, but just 6 team members splitting duties that involve coding, running the business, testing the games, writing the tweets, designing the product and graphics, helping streamers with issues, discovering new games, working with partners, fixing bugs, and everything else you can think of.
Believe us when we tell you we’re working towards making Crowd Control the one-stop shop of interactive streaming tools, but we hope this thread helps put things into perspective.
Crowd Control is the app that lets your viewers interact with the games you play on stream. Crowd Control supports +100 games and has been installed by over 70,000 live creators.
Use Crowd Control on your next stream by visiting crowdcontrol.live
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